Consequences of poor allergen controls
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Consequences of Poor Allergen Control in Food
Tragic Cases and Consequences
Poor allergen control can lead to devastating outcomes for individuals and their families:
- Unlabelled Ingredients: Instances where food was not correctly labelled, leading to fatal allergic reactions.
- Insufficient Training: Cases where inadequate knowledge or training about allergens resulted in tragic incidents.
- Example: A young man fatally allergic to peanuts died after a restaurant served him food prepared by untrained staff.
- Another tragic case involved a young lady who unknowingly consumed sesame baked into dough, causing a severe allergic reaction.
- Legal Accountability: Highlighting cases where legal frameworks failed to protect individuals with allergies.
- Example: Changes in legislation requiring allergen information on non-pre-packed fresh food came after high-profile incidents.
Understanding these incidents underscores the importance of stringent allergen control measures in food preparation and service.
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