Food Allergies
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Understanding Food Allergies: Symptoms, Reactions, and Treatment
What are Food Allergies?
Food allergies trigger an immune response to specific food proteins:
- Immune Reaction: Antibodies like Immunoglobulin E (IgE) react to food proteins, causing allergic symptoms.
- Histamine Release: Mast cells release histamine upon subsequent exposure, leading to allergic symptoms.
Symptoms of Food Allergies
Food allergy symptoms can vary from mild to severe:
- Mild Reaction: Raised temperature, itchy skin, rashes, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, heart palpitations, weakness.
- Severe Reaction (Anaphylaxis): Swelling of the neck or throat, severe asthma, collapse, unconsciousness, potential fatality.
Treatment and Management
The primary approach to managing food allergies:
- Avoidance: Prevent exposure to allergens to minimize reactions.
- Immediate Action: Remove allergen, seek emergency medical assistance (call 999 or 112), encourage medication use.
Note: Anaphylactic reactions are covered in a separate video.
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